How to
get there
By airplane
You can travel by airplane to Stord Lufthamn (Sørstokken). It takes about 1.5 houre to walk from Stord Airport to the cabin.
You can also travel by airplane to Haugesund Lufthamn (Helganes), which is on Karmøy. You can take an airport bus or taxi to Haugesund Bus Station at Flotmyr, and the Kystbussen to Leirvik.
You can also travel by plane to Bergen Airport (Flesland) and then take the airport bus to Bergen city centre and the Coastal Bus (Kystbussen) to Leirvik. There is also a boat from Flesland to Leirvik.
By bus
The coastal bus (Kystbussen) runs from Bergen to Stavanger several times during the day. The coastal bus (Kystbussen) stops at Leirvik bus terminal. There is a local bus (Skyss) from Leirvik bus terminal to Dyvik.
By car
Stord lies about 80 km south of Bergen (E39) and about 130 km north of Stavanger (E39).
You can choose between three options of the road to get to the cabin.
Route nr1
The main route to the cabin is from “Fitjarvegen” with “Dyvik”.
Parking: On the left side of road 545, ca 150 meters after the left intersection to Stord airport from “Sagvåg” side.
Follow the wooden track with the tagging “Dyvikesåto” on the left side of the road. The track is wet and slippery the first part after the parking spot, after some time you will see a track intersection with several ways to go and a home made direction sign to different places. Follow the sign directly to the right to “Dyviksåta” about a 30 minute walk. From the top of the mountain after you have passed the cairn (the red flashing light for the flight traffic) keep follow the track down hill again about 5-10 minutes. Then you will find the cabin on the left side of the track.
Just a few minutes walk you will soon see an extraordinary view of the Island “Bømlo” in south
After a few minutes walk you will be in awe to witness such an amazing sight. All the way to the top of the mountain, you will have an amazing view to the landing strip of Stord airport and “Siggjo” in Bømlo.
A half hour in a light terrain is all you need in an easy calm walk to the top of “Dyviksåta”. This trip is rated as a middle-advanced terrain.
Terrain: middle advanced
Time of walk: 45 minutes
Route nr2
Parking: Parling spot 100 meters on the road to “Bråtaneset” cabin “area” (in Norway we have a different name for a group of buildings... for houses we have neighborhood, but for cabins we have another word for it) “Dåfjorden”
Turn to “Dåfjorden”, proximity 1km. Turn left by the direction sign marked with “turveg”. 100 meters on the road you will see an info sign where the rout to “Dyvikesåto” starts. Here you can also park your car. Follow the road to the cabin area, turn right on the wooden track tagged “Dyvikesåto”. The track is marked with the color okra. Follow the sign to “Dyvikesåto”. The cabin is in sight about 10 minutes before you reach the top of the mountain.
Terrain: middle advanced
Time of walk: 45 minutes
Route nr3
The third route is from “Rutle” this is the shortest track about 800 meters but yet the hardest, more or less strait up the hill to the cabin. The track is very steep hike up the mountain side, extremely slippery and wet.
Terrain: advanced.
Time of walk: 30 minutes
We hardly suggest rout nr. 1 and 2 for most people.